Project specific

Humanoid Path Planner

These macros are used in packages of the Humanoid Path Planner project.

Mostly, this sets a few variables to some convenient default values and it sets a specific layout for the documentation.

Minimal working example

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)

# These variables have to be defined before running SETUP_PROJECT
set(PROJECT_NAME hpp-project-example)
set(PROJECT_DESCRIPTION "A HPP project example")

# hpp.cmake includes base.cmake.

compute_project_args(PROJECT_ARGS LANGUAGES CXX)

# Configure the build of your project here add_subdirectory(src)


The varible PROJECT_URL is set to “${PROJECT_ORG}/${PROJECT_NAME}”


Set to “humanoid-path-planner” if not defined when including hpp.cmake.


Enable logging of debug output in log files.


Enable logging of benchmark output in log files.

Stack of Tasks

These macros are used in packages of the Stack of Tasks project.